Economic Forecast – Distributors

MHEDA distributor members share their thoughts on the year ahead and the obstacles and opportunities they foresee playing important roles for both them and the broader economy.

Chairman’s Perspective: The Big Year Ahead

Hear from John Gelsimino, MHEDA 2023 Chairman of the Board. I am humbled and proud to be your 2023 Chairman of the Board, and I look forward to adding value to the association and its members to the best of my ability.

Sales Success Stories

Case studies demonstrate how distributors and suppliers still rely on each other to work together to ensure the best possible experience for customers and ultimate satisfaction.

Utilizing the MHEDA Compensation Dashboard

According to a recent LinkedIn poll with tens of thousands of responses, the number one reason why people are looking to change jobs is to obtain better compensation. With that in mind, MHEDA has partnered with Miller Resource Group to bring high-quality compensation information to members.

Tips for Tackling High Inflation

Oracle NetSuite White Paper Offers 8 Strategies for Dealing with Rising Costs. There have been signs that inflation is easing gradually, giving rise to cautious optimism in the business community. That includes distributors and manufacturers of material-handling equipment, which have seen their biggest costs, including labor and raw materials, rise sharply in recent years.