Do You Have a Culture of Purpose? Or is it Lost in a Silo?

By Todd Cohen, CSP Corporate culture is often defined by the silos where people work and toil, not by how people matter. Silos isolate and keep people from engaging and collaborating, and they thwart an understanding of individual value and purpose because silos prevent the bigger picture from being revealed. Silos kill sales, wreck morale […]

Women in Industry: Kelly Kamlager of RIOS Intelligent Machines

By Lindsey Quick A Passion for Learning A constantly evolving industry with endless opportunities for growth has kept Kelly Kamlager of RIOS Intelligent Machines coming back for more. As someone who is naturally curious about how things work, Kelly Kamlager’s career in industrial marketing isn’t that surprising. Kamlager got her start in fall protection and […]

Andrews & Hamilton Co. Celebrates 35 Years

Member Profile Through good times and bad, this family business has weathered the storm and continues to come out on top. By Lindsey Quick Bernie Andrews had already retired from a successful career before he founded Andrews & Hamilton in April 1987. Bernie’s work ethic had been formed at an early age: Family legend has […]

Your People and Your Culture are the New Competitive Currency

The pandemic exacerbated many things. But it has also taught us a great deal about the future and how we build our business. It has highlighted what will set you apart from your competitors in your customers’ minds. Every company faces a glaring realization: Your people are now your most competitive and differentiating currency.

The Rise of the Digital Centaur

  How Technology Integration Will Augment Humanity By Scott Klososky The acceleration of the digital transformation due to the pandemic brought both encouraging and worrying trends. On one hand, teleconference platforms allowed us to stay connected during mandatory social distancing requirements. On the other hand, many developed “Zoom fatigue” due to the overuse of these […]