‘@Work: Brian Rhoads

A Service Company That Sells Equipment

How Liftech Equipment Companies, Inc. creates differentiation based on the quality of the dealership On January 1, 2019, Liftech Equipment CFO Mike Vaughan will assume the position of Chairman of the Board of the MHEDA Board of Directors. Liftech Equipment has a long and storied relationship with the association and Mike will not be the first Liftech […]

Ask a MHEDA-NET Group: Economic Trends

“2019 Material Handling Business Trend Number 6 says: While there has been an unprecedented run of positive economic growth and business optimism is at a peak, members must be prepared and plan for a softening of the economy and pay attention to economic forecasts as to its timing. What are the benchmarks you’re using within […]

‘Brand’ New Warehouse Signs

Warehouse signs, the functional, simple and often forgotten essential of the storage and distribution industry, have just been brought to the fore with a "brand" new boost by ASG Services.