What Do We Do With The New Guy/Girl? On-Boarding in 2018

By Andy Mcnulty What would the last new employee at your organization say to her spouse, at the end of the day, upon returning home and being asked: “So…how was it?” Would she say: “It was unbelievable! They had my desk ready, my business cards printed, my computer all set up. I got a tour […]

Why Culture?

By Bill Kaiser Today, more than ever before, culture has become the “hot topic” in business. You can hardly open a business journal or magazine without finding some article about the importance of organizational culture. The first 2018 issue of Harvard Business Review features culture as the lead topic. Deloitte’s annual Global Human Capital Trend […]

Keeping Pace With Customer Expectations

By Aaron James and Jay Majithia The material handling industry has largely avoided the digital transformation. But now that the customers you’ve always known order clothes, buy groceries, and hail rides from their phones, it’s critical that your company makes changes to keep pace with customer expectations. But don’t dread the change: Expanding and transitioning […]

Can You Still Compete on Your Value Added?

By Paul Reilly Sales organizations are facing familiar challenges at unprecedented levels. There are top-line pressures impacting your organization’s profitability. These topline pressures include “sameness,” technology, and a culture of cheap. “Sameness” is the commoditization of products and services. “Sameness” is a combination of blending in and a lack of differentiation. Organizations sound, look, and […]

When Processes Are No Longer Optional

By Amy Kinnaird It’s Monday morning and you have everything all lined up for the week. Ah! What a good feeling. You sit down at your desk at 7:45am with your second cup of coffee…and by 9am, everything you had planned to do has changed. The phone is ringing off the hook and your email […]